來(lái)源:在職研究生招生信息網(wǎng) 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2011-10-24 13:41:50
PANT I Structure and Vocabulary (10 % )
Directions : There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part . For each sentence there are four choices marked A , B , C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blarken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil .
1 . He didn't seem to mind_____ TV while he was trying to study .
A. their watching
B. them watch
C. they watching
D. them to watch
2 . It is said that more than one person in this department ______ going to lose his job.
A. are
B. were
C. will
D. is
3 . When she________ all the magazines ,she'11 come back home.
A. has sold
B. will sell
C. sell
D. would sell
4 . The manufacturer claimed that this engine is_______ the previous one .
A. as twice powerful as
B. powerful as twice as
C. twice powerful as
D. twice as powerful as
5 . Nowhere else in the world_______ more attractive scenery than in Switzerland .
A. are found
B. have been found
C. you can find
D. can you find
6. If he had not been ill yesterday , he_________ to class.
A. go
B. would go
C. would have gone
D. went
7. _______ science and technology help the society to progress is a fact accepted by most people.
A. Modern
B. That modern
C. There is modern
D. It is modern
8. ________ one of the leading novelists in America , Amy Taylor has also written a number of poems and plays.
A. Considered
B. Considering
C. Having considered
D. Been considered
9.The streets are all wet. It_______ during the night.
A. must be raining
B. had to rain
C. must have rained
D. had rained
10.England's chief exports are coal , cars and cotton goods , cars ______ the most important of these.
A. have been
B. are
C. be
D. being
11.Everything was so expensive during the war that it was hardly_____ to save penny.
A. likely
B. feasible
C. probable
D. possible
12.The automation has made it possible to_________ great changes in industry.
A. bring about
B. bring down
C. bring out
D. bring up
13.The police stopped him because he_______ the traffic regulation .
A. damaged
B. destroyed
C. broke
D. corrupted
14.All too_______ it was time to go back to school after the glorious summer holidays.
A. fast
B. soon
C. quick
D. often
15.The chief manager refused to on the rumor that he was going to_________retire .
A. explain
B. comment
C. speak
D. talk
16.Mr. Brown gradually_______ a knowledge of the suhJect.
A. required
B. inquire
C. achieved
D. acquired
17.If I am not_________ when you come to my office , ask for my secretary .
A. suitable
B. available
C. comfortable
D. proper
18.Peasants supply workers with food , and workers__________ supply peasants with manufactured goods.
A. in tum
B. by tum
C. for retum
D. bv retnm
19.Let , s go out during the break to_________ our legs.
A. tretch
B. expand
C. move
D. extend
20.I have just_______ a beautiful poem in that liule hook.
A. come to
B.come thiough
C.come acras
D.come up
PART 11 Reading Comprehension (50 % )
Section A
Directions : There are 4 passages in this part . Each passage is followed by some questzons or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A , B , C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil.
Questions 21 to 24 are based on the following passage:
Americans like to do business without leaving their cars. You'11 see drive - in banks, drive-in restaurants, drive in churches and 4rive - in movies .
When driving in the U. S. , it’s a good idea to have in international driver's license if you don' t have a state license . Each of the fifty states has its own traffic laws. Get information when youcross the border into a state at a tourist information center.
There is a national speed limit of 55 miles per hour. Americans are generally polite about lettingcars enter busy streets. They usually stop for people who are walking to let them cross the street. Inmany states you may turn right after stopping at a corner, even if there is a red light. On some roadsthere may be a minimum speed.
If you rent a car, ask the company what to do in case your car breaks down. Some companies will ask you to call a special number. Others will want you to have the car repaired. They will partly deduct the cost of the repair from your bill.
"Mileage" can mean two things. It may mean the total number of miles a car has been driven. We say "This car only has 10 ,000 miles on it; it has low mileage." On the other hand , "gas mileage" is the number of miles a car can travel on one U. S. gallon of gas. For example , a big car that gets 25 miles to the gallon gets very good mileage. A small economy car should get at least 35 miles to the gallon when it's new.
21.If you have a state driver's license______.
A. you can drive anywhere in the U. S .
B. you don't have to apply for an international driver's license
C. you cannot across the border in a car
D.you must know the traffic laws of another state before you enter it
22 . If your rented car breaks down , some companies will______.
A. provide you with free telephone service
B. pay you a certain amount of your total cost of the repair
C. pay you the total cost of the repair
D.send workers to repair the car
23 ."An economy car" here may refer to a car that_________.
A. can be bought at a rather low price
B. is easy to operate
C.uses only a small amount of gas per mile
D.is specially designed for a small family
24 .Which of the following statements is true?
A.inericans are usually willing to wait for another car to enter busy streets.
B. Americans can do anything without leaving their cars.
C. Ainerican drivers can ignore a red light when they wantto turn right.
D. Americans can drive at 55 miles per hour everywhere in their country.
Questions 25 to 28 are based on the following passage :
There are robots all around us. Some do very complicated jobs like flying airplanes and driving subway trains. And some do a simple job.
When an automatic washing machine is switched on, water pours in. The machine waits until the water is hot before washing the clothes. It does this by"feedback."Information about whatis happening is "feedback"into the robot to tell it what to do next.
Our eyes , ears and other senses are our feedback . They tell us what is going on around us. So robots are like people in two ways. They work and they have feedback.
There are robots all around, making our lives easier. Some of them , like the pocket calculator, can work much more quickly than human beings can. And they rarely make mistakes.
In some ways robots are better than people. They work quickly, but do not make mistakes. They do not get bored doing the same job over and over again. And they never get tired .
Robots are very useful in factories. They can be taught to do many different jobs. First their electronic brains must be shown how the job is done . A person moves the robot'"arm"and "hand"through each part of the job. The robot's brain remembers each move. When the robot is put to work on its own , its brain controls the rods , wheels and motors which move its arm.
When the robot is needed for a new job, its electronic memory is "wiped clean."Then it is taught how to do its new task.
If the robot's hand stops working, or if something gets in the way, it cannot do the next part of the job. So it stops and signals for help. Then a human engineer repairs it.
The most ``intelligent'' robots can move and see. Their eyes are cameras. Their metal fingers can feel shapes and even find out how hot and cold objects are . These robots have computer brains ,linked to their eyes and fingers , which control their actions.
25 . In this story the author tells us that______.
A. there are very few robots
B. we see robots only at certain times
C. robots are something new in our life
D. robots are all around us
26 . In this story we are told that__________.
A. we get feedback through our eyes and ears
B. we get feedback through the robots
C. only robots get feedback
D. robets are not intelligent because of the feedback
27. What does the author of this story want you to feel about robots?
A. They will probably take over in the future.
B. They are very helpful and useful to humans.
C. They are machines that are often out of order.
D. They are not friends of human beings.
28. Since people like what robots do, what do you think this means for the future?
A. More and better robots will be built.
B. People will stop making robots.
C. There will be laws against using robots.
D. Robots will benefit nobody.
Questions 29 to 32 are based on the following passage:
Tests conducted at the University of Pennsylvania' s Psychological Laberatory showed that anger is one of the most difficult emotions to Find out from facialexpressions.
Professor Dallas E. Buzby confronted 716 students with pictures of extremely angry persons , and asked them to identify the emotion from the facial expression. Only two percent made correct judgments. Anger was most frequently judged as"Fleased".
And a typical reaction of a student confronted with the picture of a man who was mad was to classify his expression as either"bewildered" , "quizzical" , or simply"amazed" . Other studies showed that it is extremely difficult to tell whether a man is angry or not just by looking at his face. The investigators found further that women are better at finding out anger from facial expressions than men are. Paradoxically , they found that psychological training does not improve one's ability to judge a man' s emotions by his expressions but actually hinders it . For in the university tests ,the more courses the student had taken in psychology , the poorer judgment score he turned in .
29. The information in this passage centers around_____.
A. the relation between anger and other emotions
B. the differences between men and women with respect to emotion
C. the influence of psychology on human emotions
D. the discovery of anger from facial expressions
30 . When tested,students with psychological training_________.
A. marked less than two percent of their possible choices correctly
B. did better than the average student in the group
C. seemed less able to judge correctly than the average student
D. performed in a manner not specified in the passage
31 . To achieve the greatest success in finding out anger ftoiii facial expressions ,it would be best to__.
A. use adults rather than students as judges
B. ask women who do not study psycholsy to judge it
C. ask men rather than women to judge it
D. be satisfied with a two percent success, if such a perceotage is guaranteed
32. The last two sentences in the second paragraph show that----.
A. such training has not resulted in better scores
B. we have really achieved the anticipated results
C. the judgment is similar to what we have expected
D. we can expect such training to have the effect stated
Questions 33 to 36 are based on the following passage:
Wouldn't it be great if you could just look up at the sky and read the weather forecast right away? Well,you can. The forecast is written in clouds. If you can read that writing, you can tell something about the atmosphere. With some practice, you can become a pretty good weather forecaster. Who knows , you might even do as well as meteorologists.
Meteorologists use much more information than just the appear. ance of the clouds to make their forecast. They collect data from all over the world. Then they put it into powerful, high - speed computers.
This does give meteorologists an advantage , because they can track weather patterns as they move from west to east across the country.
But you have an advantage,too. You can look at the sky and get your data directly. A meteorologist uses a computer forecast that's several hours old to make a local forecast .
What are you seeing when you look at a cloud?" A picture of what moisture is doing in the atmosphere" says meteorologist Peter Leavit . There's moisture throughout the atmosphere. Most of the time you don't see it , because it's in the form of an invisible gas called water vapor .
Sometimes, the temperature of the air gets cold enough to cause the water vapor to change to liquid water. That's called condensation , and we see it happen all the time( for example , when humid air from the hower hits the cold glass of a mirror) . When enough water vapor condenses, droplets form in the air. These droplets scatter light. A cloud is seen.
Watching clouds over a day or two tells you a lot more than a single cloud about the weather to come. Changes in clouds show changes in the atmosphere.
You should begin to notice patterns. Certain clouds, following each other in order, can singal an approaching storm. But don't take our word for it; see for yourself.
33 . This passage mainly tells us about how__________.
A. to become a meteorologist
B. to keep an eye on the weather
C. to be an assistant to a meteorologist
D. to change water vapor to liquid water
34.Acording to the passage , an ordinary person might do as well as a meteorologist in weather forecast---.
A. with the help of the high - speed computers.
B. through a complex process of calculation
C. with some simple practice looking up at the sky
D.consulting a weather station.
35 . Meteorologists make their weather forecast---.
A. by collecting data from all over the world
B. by putting this data into powerful , high - speed computers
C. by calculating and analyzing this data
D.all above.
36 . Your advantage in weather forecasts is that---.
A. you have more powerful computers at home
B. your brain works as well as a high speed computer
C. you observe the sky and obtain your data directly
D.teorologists give their data to you as soon as they get them
Questions 37 to 40 are based on the following passage:
Security and commodity exchanges are trading posts where people meet who wish to buy or sell. The exchanges themselves do no trading,`they merely provide a place where prospective buyers and sellers can meet and conduct their business.
Wall Street , although the best known , is not the only home of ex- changes in the United States. There are cotton exchanges in New Or- leans and Chicago `, the Mercantile Exchange , which deals in many farm products , in Chicago `, and grain exchanges in many of the large cities of the Midwest . Some exchanges , like the Chicago Board of Trade , provide market services for several kinds products.These trading posts where products may be bought or sold are called commodity exchanges .
The security exchanges, on the other hand, are meeting places where stocks and bonds are traded. Like the commodity exchanges, they help serve the economic life of the country. But when their opera- tions get out of hand, they may become very dangerous. In 1929, the security exchanges, or stock market , contributed to a crash a sudden , sharp decline in the value of securities . Many people lost fortunes `, many corporations were bankrupted ,` many workers lost their jobs. The Crash of 1929 has been attributed to many causes ,among them wild and unwise speculation by many people and dishonest practices on the part of some businessmen and of some members of the exchanges.
Today , however , investing through security exchanges and trading on commodity exchanges has been made safer by regulations set up by the exchanges themselves and by regulations of the United States government. In 1922, the government instituted the Commodity Exchange Commission which operated through the Department of Agriculture `, and in 1934 , the Securities and Exchanges Commission , to protect investors and the public against dishonest practices on the exchanges .
37. Security and commodity exchanges are meeting places for buyers and sellers of---- .
A. stocks
B. grain
D. all of these
38 . Among the reasons for the Crash of 1929 were.
A. unwise speculation by many people
B. dishonest practices by some businessmen
C. strict regulations of the Commodity Exchange Commission
D.both A and B.
39.Investing insecurities has been made safer by.----
A. the Securities and Exchange Commission
B. the Commodity Exchange Commission
C.Chicago Board of Trade
D. Chicago Mercantile Exchange
40 . Implies but not stated---- :.
A. Some exchanges provide market services for several kinds of products
B. The role of the government has been an important factor in curbing dishonest practices on the Exchanges
C. Investing in securities is unwise
D. Buying and selling securities is dishonest.
Directions : Read the following passage and then give short answers to the five questions. Write pour answers on the Answer Sheet .
Hunting was originally a means of providing food, but it has now become a sport. Though in some parts of the world there are still people who hunt wild animals to provide themselves with food, in England, hunting is as much a social activity as anything else.
A great many years ago, fishermen in Japan used birds to catch fish . This art of fishing is said to be at least a thousand years old and is mentioned in Japanese plays. Today , however , fishing in this way has simply become a sport ,{or the fishermen are not seriously interested in catching fish .
On summer nights the fishing boats set out on rivers in various parts of the country. At the front of each boat there is an iron basket in which a wood fire kept burning. As the graceful curved boats float past carried along by the current , these fires, dotted here and there, make bright patterns on the water. Steering down the river, the fishermen beat the sides of the boat to encourage the birds, and people out for an evening is entertainment either sit or lie on the floor of the boats drink- ing beer and sometimes even cooking a meal for themselves over the flames of the fire. This method of fishing demands great skill, for the fisherman has to handle three or four birds in one hand. A long piece of string is tied round the neck of each bird and the fisherman must take care to keep the birds separate from each other. Every so often, the birds are set free and they fly close to the water in search of fish. The moment a bird catches a fish in its beak, it is pulled back on to the boat. The string is held tightly round the bird' s throat to prevent it from swallowing the fish it has caught. When there do not seem to be many fish in the river, the fishermen can sometimes be seen secretly throwing dead fish into the water for the birds to catch. No one really objects to this practice , as it is all part of this unusual sport .
41 . What was the original purpose of hunting?
42. In which season of the year do the fishing boats set out
43. What do the fishermen do to encourage the birds?
44 . What is tied round the neck of each bird?
45 . What does the fisherman do after the bird catches a fish?
PART Cloze (10%)
Directions : For each numbered blank in the following passage , there are four choices marked A , B , C and D . Choose the best one and mark pour answer on the Answer Sheet .
As the plane circled over the airport, everyone sensed that something was wrong. The plane was moving 46 through the air, and although the passengers had 47 their seat belts, they were suddenly thrown forward. At that moment, the air - hostess appeared. She looked very pale, but was quite 48, speaking quickly but almost in a whisper,she 49 everyone that the pilot had fainted and asked if any of the passengers knew anything about machines or at least how to drive a car. After a moment 's 50 a man got up and followed the hostess into the pilot's cabin. Moving the pilot 51,The man took his seat and listened carefully to the urgent 52 that were being sent by radio {rom the airport below. The plane was now dangerously close to the ground , but to everyone' s 53,it soon began to climb. The man had to circle the airport several times in order to become 54 with the controls. But the danger had not yet passed. The terrible moment came when he had to land . Following instructions , the man guided the plane towards the airfield. It shook violenily 55 it touched the ground and then moved rapidly across ihe field , but after a long run it stopped safely. Outside , a crowd of people who had been watching anxiously, rushed forward to congratulate the pilot on a perfect landing.
46 . A. unreasonably B . unsteadily C. unnaturally D. uncertainly
47 . A. softened B . hardened C. fastened D . stiffened
48 . A. calm B. cautious C. cold D. casual
49 . A. wamed B. informed C. reformed D. instructed
50. A.reflection B.nsreation C.hesitation D.concentration
51 . A. forward B. up C. around D. aside
52 .A. consultation B.instruction C.decision D.information
53 . A. knowledge B. satisfaction C. surprise D. relief
54. A.contented B.concerned C.familiar D.cofident
55 . A . as B . before C . till D . while
PART English - Chinese Translation ( 15 % )
Directions : In this part there is a passage in English Translate the five sentences underlined into Chinese and write your translation on the Answer Sheet.
56.If you find yourself stressed by the economic forecast,threat of job loss ,or have been laid off,the situation is manageable. John Wake- man ,program director of the Stress Treatment Center at Ochsner Clinic, New Orleans, La. , who has given numerous stress management training sessions for major industries and businesses, says that , when confronted with altered circumstances ." it is our nature to either revert back to the status quo( 現(xiàn)狀 )or to adapt and to do so quickly so thai it's no longer a change. My suggestion is to adapt quickly.
If laid off , avoid a doom and gloom attitude , which adds to the stress. 57. Accept that changes are inevitable in a lifetime and occurrences such as job loss frequently bring opportunities that would not be available if you were not facing the crisis .Some people find an even better occupational situation.
58 .Instead of responding to layoff as a personal insuit,view it as a sign of the economic times and the fact that the business could not keep its employees. Maintain a routine and keep your social contacts. Don't sit at home. Remain active. Use energy constructively. Don't vent(發(fā)泄)irritability and frustration from stress on your family, but channel it into exercise or work on a project . Polish your resume , network with others in your field, and write letters to prospective employers. Keep informed about the job market by reading employment journals, trade publications , and newspapers . Competition is keen, so expect your search to take time. 59."When a person is turned down repeatedly,it does try (his or her) selfesteem,but you have to remember what yor accomploshed before you were laid off .No one can erase those achievements from your history. You have something to offer.
Many people feel threatened by change and become inflexit Lan points out. "You may ftnd that you need to be more ol elocating to a place where employment is available. 60.Keep an open mind and be flexible abort the possiblity lf a change requiring relocation or taking on new assignments."
Directions : For this part , you are asked to write a letter about buying a book from a publishing house . You are given the outline in Chinese . Your part of the composition should be about 120 words. Remember to write clearly. You should write this composition on the Answer Sheet .
2.要求購(gòu)買史密斯博士編寫的《21世紀(jì)的 管理 學(xué)》。